Electoral College

BTL #225 - Rant Day - 12/17/16

BTL #225 - Rant Day - 12/17/16

This week on a special bi-coastal BTL, we've got a few things to get off our chests.  Yes, we know all about Russia's hacking and yes we're horrified.  Yes we know all about the electoral college vote and yes we're terrified.  But no we wont accept that the Democrats lost this race solely because of James Comey and Voldermort Putin, and we'll tell you why politically it's not even worth making the claim.  Plus we're all over covering our history of fake news and future of fake morals!  Listen while you load of up on latke potatoes or Christmas ham (or a nondenominational food of your choice)!  Then give us the gift of a rating on iTunes.