BTL #225 - Rant Day - 12/17/16

In Which We Discuss:

1. Mark your calendars: Tomorrow is the day that hell freezes over and, in a very hell-like move, makes Donald Trump the president

2. The only unity in post-Trump America is the unlikely coming together of the of FBI and CIA

3. Obama holds press conference in which he is either tough on Putin or...not.  Doesn’t matter which because facts don’t exist anymore.

4. Hillary Clinton willing to blame literally anybody but herself for her loss

5. We have the debut of BTL’s newest segment: Defend the Internet

6. It’s the morally adrift leading the morally blind, New York edition

Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in political news. Join the millions of circling helicopters who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL!  Then rate us on iTunes or find us FacebookTwitterTumblrStitcher, or Instagram!