historical history

"Experience" and "Good Ideas" are not the same thing

"Experience" and "Good Ideas" are not the same thing

It’s time for us to have a chat with America about the value of Hillary’s foreign policy “experience," because “experience” and “good ideas” are not interchangeable.

Meet The Candidates #3 - Gifted Hands, Questionable Brains: The Ben Carson Story

Meet The Candidates #3 - Gifted Hands, Questionable Brains: The Ben Carson Story

Carson’s life is a fascinating and uniquely American story, one that proves that...idiot savants are a real thing.  He’s the only candidate in the race that we’d let operate on our brains, but he doesn’t seem super capable of using his own to think analytically or practically about how to not make unnecessary references to slavery or Hitler.  How Carson wound up in the middle of a political maelstrom that he seems only casually interested in riding out is a real question, but we’ll be digging for answers as we take you through his life, chapter by chapter

Meet The Candidates #1 - A Lightning Bolt of Romance: The Jeb Bush Story

Meet The Candidates #1 - A Lightning Bolt of Romance: The Jeb Bush Story

Our first "meet the candidates" post!  Today, the curious case of Jeb(!) Bush, a man who many in the media still consider a “frontrunner” due to his campaign’s massive war chest.  This “frontrunner” moniker is curious, however, considering that he’s polling in single digits and is not even the most popular GOP candidate from Florida, but we digress.  Let’s get to know him better anyway.  Here, for your reading pleasure, is the story of Jeb! Bush, the forever-second-place Bush brother...

The Compromise Party

The Compromise Party

In honor of our first day of GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN MEDIA BLITZ 2013 (aka Obamacare Exchange day!!!), we thought we’d remind our faithful Congresspeople, Senators, and American neighbors just how much the Democrats have already compromised to make nice with the Capitol Hill bully squad. 

Why We SHOULD Memorialize Hugo Chavez (We’re Talking To You, Thinkprogress)

Why We SHOULD Memorialize Hugo Chavez (We’re Talking To You, Thinkprogress)

In memorializing Chavez we are not memorializing any of his specific domestic policies, his friendship with Ahmadinejad, or any of the many short-sighted things a man operating a cult-of-personality-based government is bound to say and do.  What we are memorializing is resistance, specifically resistance to the long-term US economic imperialism that has dominated the region. Also we’re memorializing the fact that he had a weekly TV show called “Hello, President” in which he sings.  We here at BTL can’t stress enough that more world leaders need to be doing this.