
BTL #193 - A Hashtag Plan Doesn't Make You #Blessed - 3/21/16

BTL #193 - A Hashtag Plan Doesn't Make You #Blessed - 3/21/16

This week on BTL, we say goodbye to our favorite third-place winner, #LittleMarco Rubio.  After what can only be described as a totally predictable and fully expected loss in his home state of Florida, Rubio leaves the title of "Cuban" to Sen. Ted Cruz.  Also leaving the race is Rubio's ambition to ever serve in public office again.  See ya never Private Citizen Rubio!  Luckily the Rubio-less GOP has a foolproof plan to defeat Trump.  It involves claiming that they have a plan to defeat Trump and starting the hashtag #NeverTrump and the only thing you need to know about it is that it's totally going to work.  Right?  RIGHT?!  And then there's some non-election news for once.  Can you imagine?!  Remember those days?  Take a walk down memory lane with us!  All that and tons more this week on a new BTL podcast!

BTL #191 - The Euphamism - 3/7/16

BTL #191 - The Euphamism - 3/7/16

This week on a special bi-coastal BTL, all hell breaks loose in the GOP primary in an ever-mounting flurry of desperate party maneuvers and bizarre Donald Trump quotes.  Christ Christie has been kidnapped and cannot be saved so let's not worry about him anymore, but is anybody going to tell Rubio that his time might be up?  Also, a rowdy Democratic Debate in Flint, MI, election results from all the "super" election days a person could ask for, CPAC, Ted Cruz's booger-eating, and so much more!  How is it possible that every week tops the last?  We're exhausted, you guys, but we do it all for you!

BTL #189 - George's Little Brother - 2/22/16

BTL #189 - George's Little Brother - 2/22/16

This week on the podcast, Carla Nordstrom joins us for our coverage of the Nevada Caucus results, the fully bonkers South Carolina GOP primary results, a finally tally of what money can't buy you care of a now exclamation point-less Jeb, and Donald Trump's latest sparring partner, Pope Francis.  Naturally we didn't forget to bring you this week's crazy Scalia conspiracy theories and make sure to listen to Carla's editorial on young voters and the Democratic Party!  Yet another can't-miss week and more are on the way!