
BTL #226 - New Year, New Congress - 1/4/16

BTL #226 - New Year, New Congress - 1/4/16

Happy New Year, guys!  This week on a (finally all new!) BTL...Congress gets off to the most embarrassing start possible, but they're finally sworn in so it's time to hit the phones and let them know we're watching!  Plus, Donald Trump knows not what he does or thinks, but he seems to get credit for whatever happens to work out that day anyway.  None of this, of course, is thanks to his cabinet appointments, which only seem to get worse with each passing moment, and none of it will change if the Democratic leadership in the Senate has anything to say about it.   Oh, and Trump rang in the new year with a mobster named "Joey No Socks" because...of course.  All this and tons more on our first podcast of 2017!  Buckle up!