
BTL 352 - Dream Tiny Fight Weak [w/Guest Erica Bardin] - 5/25/20

BTL 352 - Dream Tiny Fight Weak [w/Guest Erica Bardin] - 5/25/20

This week, special Guest Erica Bardin joins us! We pick up where we left off last week to further destroy the HEROES Act, and talk about the new, strange bedfellows coalition trying to actually offer something that works. Trust us, it’s a weird group. Plus we’ll dive deep into the Veepstakes and discuss every possible reason why Amy Klobuchar shouldn’t be Veep. And guys, the list of reasons is long. All this, plus another entry in the ongoing series, “why Joe Biden should just stay quiet in the basement”.

BTL #351 - Super Duper Missile - 05/18/20

BTL #351 - Super Duper Missile - 05/18/20

It’s the one where Brent finally gets on Lila’s radicalization level! It took awhile, friends, but we’re finally here! This week we combine radical forces to share our thoughts on the HEROES Act, The Biden/Sanders task forces, Dems losing elections and Joe Biden’s general ineptitude. Oh and don’t worry, we’ll also make space force jokes as well.

BTL #350 - A Tampa DJ - 5/11/20

BTL #350 - A Tampa DJ - 5/11/20

This week, special guest and friend of the podcast Grant Sloss joins us to discuss the Trump administration’s economic reopening tour of America! You know, the one where they travel around without masks spreading White House Coronavirus to the masses. Plus, we’ll discuss the merits of both Tara Reade and Tara Reid, and offer Joe Biden some tips and tricks for campaigning from his basement.

BTL #349 - The Joe Biden Experience - 5/4/20

BTL #349 - The Joe Biden Experience - 5/4/20

If you’re an angry liberal, or just a person wondering why liberals are so angry, then have we got the podcast for you! We’ll dive into the entire Joe Biden experience, including the latest on the Tara Reade #MeToo sexual assault scandal, his #MeToo scandal plagued Veep selection committee, and his proven awfulness as a presidential candidate. But it’s not just about Joe Biden…because w'e’ve got additional rage leftover to direct at Trump and even George W. Bush! Remember him? Don’t be bamboozled…he’s still horrible!

BTL #348 - Get Some New Tattoos - 4/26/20

BTL #348 - Get Some New Tattoos - 4/26/20

Please PLEASE listen to this week’s podcast before ingesting disinfectant or swallowing a UV light. Trust us, you won’t regret it. Plus, we’ve got all the latest news, including a list of all of the states you can now travel to to get both a haircut, and probably…the coronavirus. And you won’t want to miss our in depth discussion on every possibly insane conspiracy theory that could be going on in North Korea right now!

BTL #347 - Endorse-fest 2020 - 4/19/20

BTL #347 - Endorse-fest 2020 - 4/19/20

Guys - you do NOT want to miss this super, extra, rant-y episode of BTL. We get rant-y about all the Biden endorsements, rant-y about the primary, rant-y about Trump inciting insane protesters, and rant-y about fake television doctors masquerading as experts. Don’t miss those rants and tons more!

BTL #346 - The Easter Spectacular - -4/12/20

BTL #346 - The Easter Spectacular - -4/12/20

What.A.Week! Somehow we saw both death of the American job market AND the resurrection of the stock market. Which means it must be Easter…and the end of capitalism! So celebrate both exciting events with us as we explore all the week’s news. We’ll debate the merits of Joe BIden’s veep options, tell you all the ways America is #1 (hint: it’s our number of Coronavirus cases) and as is our Easter tradition, Brent attempts to explain the story of Easter to Lila.

BTL #345 - Pearl Harbor Week - 4/6/20

BTL #345 - Pearl Harbor Week - 4/6/20

It’s day number whothehellknows of quarantine, and we’ve got all the latest political Corona Scandal you can handle. Like, why on earth are we having primaries with in-person voting? Why is Brian Kemp so immensely stupid? And will people get their measly $1200 before September? FInd out on this week’s episode!