
BTL #385 - Unity - 2/1/21

BTL #385 - Unity - 2/1/21

What.A.Week. We promise you this is a podcast you won’t want to miss. We’ve got GameStop excitement, seething rage at congressional democrats, space lasers, and senators starring in Batman films! Check it out!

BTL #382 - Tyranny and the Muesli Caucus [w/ guest Kat Calvin] - 1/11/21

BTL #382 - Tyranny and the Muesli Caucus [w/ guest Kat Calvin] - 1/11/21

What.A.Week! We’ll bring you all the news you may have forgot about because of that whole mid-week violent coup attempt. For example, remember that huge election that decided the power of the senate? Yeah, that was this week! So join us as we discuss it all with Spread the Vote founder, Kat Calvin

BTL #372 - Who Needs The News - 10/19/20

BTL #372 - Who Needs The News - 10/19/20

We here at Brain Trust Live are now officially voters in the 2020 election! Yep, we’re 2 of the 22 million people who have already cast ballots. This means we are also 2 people who just REALLY wish we could disconnect from reality until this election is over. But because we’re such caring people, we’ve read all the news anyway just so we can rant about it to you! We’ve got it all - dueling town halls, SCOTUS hearings, the latest Trump conspiracy theories, and so much more!

BTL #357 - The Frontier Spirit of Las Vegas - 7/6/20

BTL #357 - The Frontier Spirit of Las Vegas - 7/6/20

Get excited (or terrified?)…the next Michele Bachmann is now in our lives by way of Lauren Boebert. We’ll tell you all about her, and update you on all the other wild primary results of the week. Plus, we’ve got your weekly reminder to STAY THE HELL HOME, and definitely don’t be going to Fire Island. All this, plus a recap of Trump’s insane speeches, Biden’s first press conference in what seems like years, and our thoughts on Kanye West’s 2020 presidential run!

BTL #350 - A Tampa DJ - 5/11/20

BTL #350 - A Tampa DJ - 5/11/20

This week, special guest and friend of the podcast Grant Sloss joins us to discuss the Trump administration’s economic reopening tour of America! You know, the one where they travel around without masks spreading White House Coronavirus to the masses. Plus, we’ll discuss the merits of both Tara Reade and Tara Reid, and offer Joe Biden some tips and tricks for campaigning from his basement.

BTL #349 - The Joe Biden Experience - 5/4/20

BTL #349 - The Joe Biden Experience - 5/4/20

If you’re an angry liberal, or just a person wondering why liberals are so angry, then have we got the podcast for you! We’ll dive into the entire Joe Biden experience, including the latest on the Tara Reade #MeToo sexual assault scandal, his #MeToo scandal plagued Veep selection committee, and his proven awfulness as a presidential candidate. But it’s not just about Joe Biden…because w'e’ve got additional rage leftover to direct at Trump and even George W. Bush! Remember him? Don’t be bamboozled…he’s still horrible!

BTL #348 - Get Some New Tattoos - 4/26/20

BTL #348 - Get Some New Tattoos - 4/26/20

Please PLEASE listen to this week’s podcast before ingesting disinfectant or swallowing a UV light. Trust us, you won’t regret it. Plus, we’ve got all the latest news, including a list of all of the states you can now travel to to get both a haircut, and probably…the coronavirus. And you won’t want to miss our in depth discussion on every possibly insane conspiracy theory that could be going on in North Korea right now!

BTL #344 - We're Number One! - 3/30/20

BTL #344 - We're Number One! - 3/30/20

Last week we we begged for Joe Biden to emerge and show leadership, and this week…all of America is begging him to immediately go back into hiding. But hey, at least we were able to pass a $2T Coronavirus relief bill, and in doing so, realize that we can just make up $2T! That’s right, don’t let ANYONE ask you how we’re going to pay for anything ever again. So settle in and get ready to Invoke Some P on this week’s episode!