This week on BTL, our days may be numbered thanks to tensions with North Korea, but that doesn't mean we can't celebrate the arrival of a brand new giraffe into the world! Plus we've got more on the White House's chaotic behind-closed-door know-nothingness and an update on the week in Trumpian Holocaust denial. Then, it's a look at the local races shaping the Dem message for 2018 (or so we hope) and a reminder that being paid to protest is a career we'd definitely take up if only anybody on earth was offering.
BTL #224 - Losing the Cold War - 12/13/16
This week on BTL, it's Red Scare Pt. II: the one where we actually lose the Cold War! Welcome to life in the modern USSR. sS far it's mostly viewings of The Apprentice and the promise of starvation wages but Trump is brewing up some additional cabinet trouble so stay tuned. Of course no viewing of The Apprentice is as bad as listening to Ted Cruz describe his love of queso. Plus, DNC updates, adventures in deal-making, and more! Listen if you dare! (But seriously, please listen. Listening is fun!)
BTL #214 - Our Local Taco Truck - 9/6/14
This week on BTL, we've cover the important news: Bobby Pin-Gate 2016, Michele Bachmann's latest talking spell, and, Hillary Clinton's continued technological failings. Oh, and I guess while we're at it we get to Trump's surprise Mexico trip (?!!?!), polls, some news about where on earth Clinton's been for the last month, and other more traditional "news" news. We bring it all because we care. We're THOSE friends. You're welcome.
BTL #197 - The Vatican Handshake - 4/18/16
This week on BTL, NEW YORK FOR THE WIN! Bernie and Hillary get a real New York welcome care of the nation's rowdiest debate crowd, Bernie finally gives NYC lefties a happy occasion to rally for in Washington Square Park, and John Kasich continues his low key comedy tour of NYC by accidentally insulting multiple ethnicities and cuisines over the course of a few days (with bonus insulting of young women!). Then, of course, there's the Trump delegate dramas - are we surprise this man's campaign is in organizational shambles? And more! Lots more! We powered through the excessive heat just so you'd have something to talk about, so honor our sacrifice and click the download link!
BTL #194 - Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Saturday - 3/28/16
This week on BTL, we begin with a yearly tradition: Brent telling Lila the story of Easter only to have Lila forget the story by the time the podcast is posted. Will she ever learn? Tune in to find out. Then we have some new superlative primary days of our own invention: #LooneyTuesday and #SupercalifragilisticexpialidociousSaturday. Plus, we've got the latest on Obama's trip to Cuba, the (too) many terrorist attacks that went down this week week, and a rundown of 13 Democratic presidential candidates you may not be aware of and probably should try not to learn more about!
BTL # 180 - Hungry Hungry Hippos - 12/14/15
This week on BTL...195 Countries are willing to take a chance on believing in climate change, which is a far better percentage than in our own Congress. Womp womp. And Ted Cruz is surging in Iowa while continuing to be in an irrelevant kind second place nationally. Life/New Hampshire can work in mysterious ways. Plus, Trump once again won the internet by losing at reasonable thought, but all this might be adding up to the most deliciously contentious GOP convention in recent history. We literally CANNOT WAIT. BRING ON THE DELEGATE THEFT! Unfortunately, regardless of what happens next the rent will remain too damn high because Jimmy McMillan is sick of wasting his time trying to solve this for us ungrateful fools who never elected him. Goodbye to all that needed discussion about rent and unneeded discussion about McMillan's his facial hair. We'll miss you both! All this and tons more! What a week!
BTL # 178 - One Exorcism Is A-Okay - 11/23/15
This week on BTL, Louisiana voters finally draw a firm line at...TWO prostitution scandals. Still okay: 1 prostitution scandal, 1 exorcism, association with the KKK. Plus, the GOP primary is heating up with the entrance of an exciting new candidate that's already nabbed a spot in the top 5. Welcome "Wouldn't Vote" to the presidential race! Excited to hear you at the next debate. Plus, Julia Brownley, world’s most desperate/worst Democrat, won’t help world’s most desperate refugees because SHE'S AWFUL. And everybody said the absolute wrong thing about refugees this week so it should come as no surprise that RICK ROLLING IS BACK. Shit's just heading in that direction. This time, however, Astley is "never gonna give up" on fighting terrorism. All this and TONS more because, guys, it was that kind of week.
BTL # 176 - The Scientific Method - 11/9/15
This week on BTL...Tuesday’s election results were total garbage. You guys have to remember to vote (Kentucky, we're talking to you)! Also, don't bother learning anything about the life story of GOP frontrunner Ben Carson. Apparently it's all a lie AND science isn't science and history isn't really history and everything you know is wrong. Don't worry though, he promises from the bottom of his heart that the anecdote about him stabbing somebody is totes true. Plus, we'll tell you everything you didn't even know you didn't know about MSNBC's (secret?) Democratic candidates forum, last month's impressive jobs numbers, and the latest in the war on Christmas. Oh, and Sinkhole radio returns with an important PSA so listen like your life depends on it!